Watch Girl with the Long Hair online for free at HD quality, full-length cinema. Watch Girl with the Long Hair movie online for free. The cinema Girl with the Long Hair has got high rating, from many total votes for watching this movie online. Watch this on the blog. “Girl With Long Hair” shows how universal the look of 1970s softcore pornography was. It is populated by hipsters wearing aviator glasses and cool mustaches running after hot chicks with feathered Farrah Fawcett hairstyles and plastic jewelry. There are shag carpets on the floor and oil paintings on velvet on the walls. The decor uses the brightest colors available, especially international orange, a then ubiquitous shade that is now only seen on emergency equipment such as life jackets. The set designer and costume designer also used a lot of school bus yellow, fire engine red, and other bright, high visibility primary colors.

Year: 1975
Genre : Comedy, Romance
Runtime: 92 minutes
Release Date: 1975-12-11
Actors : Dana, Wai Wang, Yung Henry Yu, Terry Lau Wai-Yue, Mai Laan